lost it無關丟東西、lose one’s touch也不是失去聯絡...破解3種"lose"英文口語
Cathy的外籍同事剛從客戶辦公室開會回來,臉色很難看,他說I totally lost it.
Cathy馬上接著問他lose what,有什麼不見了嗎?這句話意思其實是說「我瘋了、我抓狂了」。
I lost it.
Lose it是很常見的口語,意思是無法控制自己的情緒,可能是發脾氣,可能是大哭、大笑。 來看2個例句:
That's the third time this week I've lost my keys - I think I must be losing it. 這已是本周我第三次丟鎖匙了——我真要發瘋了。
When I saw that last scene, I just lost it. It was so sad! 看到最後一幕時,我忍不住哭了。太感傷了。
When I saw that last scene, I just lost it. It was so sad! 看到最後一幕時,我忍不住哭了。太感傷了。
除了失控,「Lose it」也有嘔吐的意思。
I thought I was going to lose it out on that boat—I felt so seasick! 我想要吐在船上,我暈船了。
I thought I was going to lose it out on that boat—I felt so seasick! 我想要吐在船上,我暈船了。
1. lose one’s shirt
台語有「輸到脫褲」,這和英文用lose one’s shirt異曲同工,你可以想像輸到連一件襯衫都保不住,那真是陷於困境了。
台語有「輸到脫褲」,這和英文用lose one’s shirt異曲同工,你可以想像輸到連一件襯衫都保不住,那真是陷於困境了。
I lost my shirt on that bank deal.我在那筆銀行交易上損失很大。
2. lose one’s touch
Lose touch是失去聯絡,但lose one’s touch不是指和某人失去聯絡,而是某項工作技能,不如從前,能力不復以往。
Lose touch是失去聯絡,但lose one’s touch不是指和某人失去聯絡,而是某項工作技能,不如從前,能力不復以往。
I lost touch with Vanessa after she left Taiwan. Venessa離開台灣之後,我就和她失聯了。
It’s good to see that even after all these years, you have not lost your touch. 真是樂見,經過那麼多年你的表現一點也不比以往遜色。
It’s good to see that even after all these years, you have not lost your touch. 真是樂見,經過那麼多年你的表現一點也不比以往遜色。
3. lose out
lose out很接近中文的「吃虧」,也就是說,權衡之下,處於劣勢的一種情況。
lose out很接近中文的「吃虧」,也就是說,權衡之下,處於劣勢的一種情況。
If things go wrong, I'm the one who'll lose out, not you. 事情若有差錯,吃虧的是我,不是你。
The new tax means that the vast majority of working people will lose out. 徵收新稅意味著大多數正在工作的人將會受損失。
The new tax means that the vast majority of working people will lose out. 徵收新稅意味著大多數正在工作的人將會受損失。
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