Your Perfect Business Startup Partner ✨💼 Save more for your business expand 🌱 1⃣ Company Name Search 2⃣ Documentation Preparation 3⃣ Certificate of Incorporation 4⃣ A & A 5⃣ BR Certificate 6⃣ CPA certified true copies of company documents 7⃣ Gree Box 8⃣ Statutory Book 9⃣ Share Certificates 1⃣0⃣ Chops (seal, signature chop and chop) 1⃣1⃣ Company Secretarial Services 🔥🔥 Service Fee starting from $1,000 🔥🔥 #businesscenter #businesscentre #tsuenwan #servicedoffice #officerental # companyformation #companysecretarial

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Cover all your office space requirements 😎 📥 Handle income & outgoing parcels and letters 📤 📞 Professional Reception Service 👩🏻‍💻 📳 Free Broadband Internet Service📱 2⃣4⃣/7⃣ Access & Electricity Supplies 💯 ⬇ Operational Expenses 1⃣ Person Office starting from $1,760/MONTH ‼ #businesscenter #businesscentre #tsuenwan #servicedoffice #officerental #virtualoffice #receivingparcel #lowcost

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Save more than you expect 💰💰 📥 Received letters and parcels 📮 ‼ONLY $70/MONTH ‼ Contact us for more information ☎ #businesscentre #tsuenwan #servicedoffice #officerental #virtualoffice #receivingparcel

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💵 Reduce Your Daily Cost - ONLY💲2⃣4⃣/day‼ Provide different service combination MUST BE ONE MEET YOUR NEEDS 😎 ✨✨Receive parcels ➕ Storage space ✨✨ 📥 Receive goods 🏪 Provide Storage Space 24/7 Access to pick up goods 🔐 Contact us for more information📱 #virtualoffice #storage #receivingparcel #lowcost #reducecost

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💵 Reduce Your Daily Cost - ONLY💲2⃣3⃣/day‼ Provide different service combination MUST BE ONE MEET YOUR NEEDS 😎 ✨✨Receive parcels ➕ Storage space ✨✨ 📥 Receive goods 🏭 Provide Storage Space 24/7 Access to pick up goods 🔐 Contact us for more information📱 #virtualoffice #storage #receivingparcel #lowcost #reducecost

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